Benefits of Curcumin
Curcumin, also known as turmeric root, an ancient spice in the ginger family, is gaining attention for its positive impact on a number of diseases, including cholesterol reduction. Scientific evidence has been building since the mid-1980s of curcumin's potential cholesterol-lowering capabilities.
For example, animals fed small doses of curcumin had their cholesterol levels drop by one half (50%) over those that did not receive curcumin. Curcumin reduces cholesterol by interfering with intestinal cholesterol uptake, increasing the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, and increasing the excretion of bile acids, according to the International Journal of Vitamin Nutritional Research (1991, 61:364-69).
The 1992 Indian Journal of Physiology reported that ten human volunteers taking curcumin showed a 29% increase in beneficial HDL cholesterol in only 7 days. Total cholesterol also fell 11.6% and lipid peroxidation was reduced by 33%.
In January of 1997, the Journal of Molecular Cell Biochemistry reported curcumin has demonstrated, in vivo, the ability to decrease total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in serum and to increase the beneficial HDL cholesterol. "Blood cholesterol was lowered significantly by dietary curcumin in these diabetic animals. Significant decrease in blood triglyceride and phospholipids was also brought about by dietary curcumin in diabetic rats."
The research has continued and curcumin's ability to lower blood cholesterol levels was reported in the April 1998 issue of Molecular Cell Biochemistry, and again, later that year, researchers in Biofactors (1998, 8:1-2, 51-57) reported that "curcumin extract may be protective in preventing lipoperoxidation of subcellular membranes."
Curcumin also provides an additional benefit by potentially reducing the risk of cardiovascular-related disease as it inhibits platelet aggregation and significantly decreases the level of lipid (LDL) peroxidation. "Observation of curcumin's mechanism of action shows that it blocks the formation of thromboxane A2, a promoter of platelet aggregation, thereby inhibiting abnormal blood clot formation. Curcumin also increases a prostacyclin, a natural inhibitor of platelet aggregation" (Arzneim. Forsch., 1986, 36:715-17).
Benefits of Gugulipid (Commiphora mukul)
This powerful ancient remedy has been re-discovered by Western culture. Gugulipid is made from the resin of the commiphora mukul tree of north central India. Gugulipid (gugulesterones) has been used for thousands of years to alleviate problems associated with obesity, acne, viral infections, and other ailments.
In a study published in 1989 by the Journal of Associated Physicians-India, 125 patients receiving gugulipid showed an 11% decrease in total serum cholesterol, a drop of 16.8% in triglycerides, and a 60% increase in HDL cholesterol within 3 to 4 weeks. Patients with elevated cholesterol levels showed much greater improvement than normal patients.
The study quoted a second trial (included in the article noted above) where 205 patients receiving gugulipid at a dose rate of 25 mg administered 3 times daily showed a 70 to 80% reduction of serum cholesterol, whereas no response was found in the placebo group (Journal of Associated Physicians-India, 1989, 37[5]:328).
A placebo-controlled trial of 40 patients with high blood-fat levels showed a serum cholesterol reduction of 21.75%, with triglycerides being reduced by 27.1% in only 3 weeks, and after continuing the study for 16 weeks it was learned that HDL cholesterol was increased by 35.8% (Journal of Associated Physicians-India, 1989, 37[5]:328).
Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea has been shown to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels. Further, green tea's potent antioxidant effects inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries, which plays a major contributory role in the formation of atherosclerosis. "There is considerable epidemiological evidence that tea drinking lowers the risk of heart disease" (FEBS Lett., Aug. 1998, 433(1-2):44-46).
The cholesterol-lowering (hypocholesterolemic) effects of green tea (as well as black tea) have been confirmed by both animal and human epidemiological studies. High consumption of green tea by humans, especially more than 10 cups a day, was found to be associated with higher HDLs and lower LDL and VLDL cholesterol, as well as with various biomarkers indicating better liver health. Lower levels of lipid peroxides in the liver are one well-confirmed benefit of green-tea supplementation found in study after study.
A Japanese study relates, "Green tea catechin acts to limit the excessive rise in blood cholesterol" based on a series of studies reported in 1996 (Journal Nutritional Science Vitaminol., 32:613).
Additionally, some very exciting results were found when rats were fed 2.5% green tea leaves in their diet. The experimental group showed a drop in total cholesterol, low-density cholesterol, and triglycerides. The body weight of green tea-fed rats was 10 to 18% lower than that of rats not consuming green tea. In addition, the activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, and of anticarcinogenic phase-II enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST), were significantly higher in the green tea group, as was the glutathione level in the liver. There was no liver or kidney toxicity. Thus, the study demonstrated combined cardiovascular and anticancer effects of green tea.
The relation between green tea consumption and serum lipid concentrations were examined using cross-sectional data on 1306 males in Japan. Results indicated that total cholesterol levels were found to be inversely related to the consumption of green tea. "Adjusted mean concentrations of total cholesterol were significantly lower in men drinking nine cups or more a day than in those consuming zero to two cups a day" (Prev. Med. July 1992, 21(4):526-31). No wonder the Japanese people have the longest life span. Most Japanese sip tea all day long.
Green tea also has been shown to elevate levels of HDL, the good cholesterol that helps remove atherosclerotic plaque from arterial walls. Green tea is a natural ACE inhibitor. This is an extra benefit for those with high cholesterol and blood pressure, as published studies show lowered blood pressure in animals and humans given green tea extracts. We recommend one capsule (350 mg) of green tea 95% extract daily, or drinking one to ten cups of green or black tea a day.
Benefits of Fish Oil
Fish oil has been shown to reduce high levels of triglycerides by an average of 35%. Fish oil does not appear to reduce cholesterol to that extent, but does offer benefits when consumed as part of an integrated therapy.
A study conducted in The Netherlands on mice and published in June 1998 stated, "Triglyceride turnover studies revealed that fish oil significantly decreased the hepatic VLDL-triglyceride production rate (down 60%)" (Journal of Lipid Research (United States), June 1998, 39(6):1181-88).
Another study indicates, "Our results suggest that fish oil lowers plasma lipid levels significantly" (J. Formos. Med. Assoc., Sept. 1997, 96(9):718-26). Investigations published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1997 examined the effects of n-3 fatty acids on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in seven species of experimental animals. n-3 Fatty acids consistently lower serum triglyceride concentrations in humans, but not in most animals. These differences between animals and humans may arise from underlying species differences in lipoprotein metabolism.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that alpha-linolenic acid (from flax or perilla oil) reduces the incidence of atherosclerosis, stroke, and second heart attacks. One study showed a 70% reduction in second heart attacks in those consuming this type of fatty acid. Additionally, perilla oil suppresses platelet-activating factor (PAF), a major cause of arterial blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes. Perilla oil was shown to decrease PAF by 50% in rats, compared with the administration of safflower oil (Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signaling (Netherlands), 1997, 17/3:207-20).
Fish oil and garlic is a beneficial combination: Forty subjects, all with cholesterol over 200 mg/dL, were enrolled in a single-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study to evaluate both fish oil and garlic extract used in a synergistic regimen. Each patient received 1800 mg of fish oil plus 1200 mg of garlic for 1 month. Crossovers were then made to placebos for 1 month. This study found an 11% decrease in cholesterol, a 34% decrease in triglycerides, and a 10% decrease in LDL levels as well as a 19% decrease in HDL risk. Although not significant, there was a trend toward increase in HDL. The doctors concluded by stating
These results suggest that in addition to the known anticoagulant and antioxidant properties of both fish oil and garlic, the combination causes favorable shifts in the lipid subfractions within 1 month. Triglycerides are affected to the largest extent. The cholesterol lowering and improvement in lipid/HDL risk ratios suggests that these combinations may have antiatherosclerotic properties and may protect against the development of coronary artery disease (J. Natl. Med. Assoc., [United States], Oct. 1997, 89[10]:673-78).
Although fish oil appears to be beneficial for cholesterol reduction, there is a remaining problem: fish and flax oil, traditional sources of omega-3 fatty acids, can cause gastrointestinal side effects as well a stomach upset. There is good news in this regard; a new source of essential fatty acids, perilla oil, is showing superior health benefits without adverse gastrointestinal side effects. For cardiovascular disease risk reduction, we recommend 6000 mg of perilla oil a day.
Benefits of Vitamin E
To say that vitamin E is very important to our health is an understatement: it is protective against approximately 80 diseases.
The National Institute of Aging, Tufts University, and the University of Arizona, College of Medicine have found that vitamin E may help inhibit and slow the development of LDL oxidation, the progression of cardiovascular-related diseases, and possibly slow aging.
Oxidation of low density lipoprotein is involved in the development of atherosclerotic disease. An extensive study by the National Institute of Aging of 11,178 seniors aged 67 to 109 found that seniors who supplement with vitamin E are less likely to die prematurely. The research, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition late in 1997, discovered that vitamin E has the ability to stabilize free radicals. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can break down and degenerate cells, much as oxygen causes rust on iron. Partly caused by increased LDL cholesterol oxidation, free radicals result in increased plaque deposits and restricted blood flow, making them extremely dangerous to the interior of arteries.
A study by the National Institute of Aging found that people who took vitamin E supplementation over a 9-year period (1984 to 1993) had a 27% lower risk of all-cause mortality, a 41% reduction in heart disease risk!
Similarly, Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg, professor of nutrition at Tufts University in Boston, who heads the Antioxidant Research NIH Laboratories found that vitamin E helped prevent exercise-induced muscular damage based on many of the same mechanisms mentioned above, in the publication Advanced Nutrition, 1997. "The potential benefit is great, data are consistent and compelling, and the risk of side effects is essentially nil. It makes a clear case for recommending supplements," Dr. Blumberg said.
Increased blood cell adhesion to human aortic endothelial cells (ECs) lining veins and arteries is one of the early events in the development of atherogenesis. Investigators in 1997, in the Journal of Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (United States), indicate that vitamin E has an "inhibitory effect" on LDL-induced production of adhesion molecules and adhesion of blood cell to ECs via its antioxidant function and/or its direct regulatory effect on cell adhesion and arteriosclerosis.
The elderly may receive extra value from vitamin E supplementation, as supplementation with 100 IU vitamin E in the elderly has been reported as beneficial in lowering the rate of oxidation of LDL, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis (Atherosclerosis, Sept. 1997, 133[2]:255-63).
Smokers may benefit from long-term vitamin E supplementation, as it has been reported to improve endothelium-dependent relaxation in forearm resistance in vessels of hypercholesterolemic smokers which are characterized by increased levels of auto-antibodies against oxidized LDL. These findings suggest the beneficial effect of vitamin E for subjects with increased exposure to oxidized LDL such as smokers (J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., Feb., 1999, 33[2]:499-505).
Vitamin E may even work as well as some hypocholesterolemic drugs. Results of a study in the Journal of Circulation Research, August 1998, suggest that vitamin E and selenium inhibited atherosclerosis as effectively as an equally hypocholesterolemic dose of the drug probucol.
The recommended dose of vitamin E ranges from 400 to 800 IU a day. Minimum effective dose for selenium supplementation is 200 mcg a day. Selenium works with vitamin E to protect against LDL oxidation.
Benefits of Soy
The FDA has approved soy as a method of lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. For this dietary supplement, one research abstract says it all:
Soy has been a staple part of the Southeastern diet for nearly 5,000 years and is associated with a reduction in the rates of cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. The research is now showing that phyto-chemicals in soy are the mechanism of action responsible (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine [United States], 1998, 217[3]:386-92).
Diets rich in soy protein can protect against the development of atherosclerosis. The mechanisms of action of soy protein include cholesterol lowering, inhibition of LDL oxidation, protection against the development of atherosclerosis, and reduction in risk of thrombosis. The active constituents in soy responsible for these benefits are the isoflavones genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. In a study to determine whether soy isoflavones would protect against atherosclerosis in mice, it was reported that mice fed a soy diet averaged 30% lower cholesterol (J. Nutr. [United States], June 1998, 128[6]:954-59).
In a study in Metabolism, June 1997, investigations suggest that dietary soybean protein has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular risk factors. According to another study completed at about the same time, "Potential mechanisms by which soy isoflavones might prevent atherosclerosis include a beneficial effect on plasma lipid concentrations, antioxidant effects, antiproliferative and antimigratory effects on smooth muscle cells, effects on thrombus formation, and maintenance of normal vascular reactivity" (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Dec. 1988, 68[6] Suppl., 1390S-93S).
Postmenopausal women may also benefit from intake of soy protein, and it is suggested to be beneficial by researchers in a 1998 issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition for diseases and the risk factors (cholesterol) associated with cardiovascular disease.
Adding to the evidence that soy is beneficial, conclusions of a September 1998 Journal of Nutrition study are that "the efficacy of the American Hospital Association Step I cholesterol-lowering diet can be improved with the addition of soy protein." If you want to reduce your disease risk to heart disease and avoid elevated cholesterol levels, it is recommended that you take soy.
Diseases associated with high cholesterol (and fats) are the number one killer. Fats also play a key role in the incidence of cancers and many other degenerative diseases. Cholesterol exists only in animal tissues, therefore, one's diet is an important first step in its control. For some people, however, limiting fat and cholesterol intake alone is not enough to reduce serum cholesterol to safe levels because of their own liver's production of excess cholesterol. The use of supplements to augment dietary modification can help reduce cholesterol without the side effects of many drugs.
The effectiveness of any cholesterol-reduction therapy varies considerably between individuals. The nutrients we recommend have not only been shown to lower cholesterol, but also protect against cardiovascular disease by other mechanisms such as inhibition of cholesterol-oxidizing free radicals and abnormal blood clots inside arteries (thrombosis).
The following nutritional supplements offer synergistic benefits to assist dietary modification to reduce total serum cholesterol and elevate HDL cholesterol:
Policosanol, take one tablet twice per day with meals: one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Or Sytrinol, one capsule twice daily. Note:Do not take if it causes your cholesterol to drop below 180 mg/dL
Fiber, 4 to 6 grams before any high-fat meal.
Chitosan, three to six 500-mg chitosan capsules and one 1000 mg ascorbic acid capsule right before a high-fat meal.
Niacin, 1500 to 3000 mg a day (if tolerable). Consider flush-free niacin (inositol hexanicotinate) to avoid a "red face."
Artichoke extract, 300 mg, 3 times a day.
Garlic, 600 to 48000 mg a day.
Curcumin, 900 to 1800 mg a day.
Gugulipid, 140 mg 1 to 2 times a day.
Green tea, 750 mg a day of green tea, 93% polyphenol extract.
Perilla oil, 6000 mg a day. We suggest taking six 1000-mg gel caps daily. If triglycerides are high, consider taking 4-8 softgels of fish oil (EPA/DHA).
Vitamin E, 400 to 800 IU daily
Soy protein extract, 2 heaping teaspoons (5 to 6 grams) of soy powder daily. Soy powder can be easily dispersed and has a light peanut butter taste. For those who want to avoid powders, consider taking one-five capsules of the Ultra Soy Extract (40% isoflavones) daily.
Selenium, 200 to 600 mcg daily.
Herbal Cardiovascular Formula, two-six capsules daily with food in divided doses.
Anyone who is seeking to use dietary supplements to lower high cholesterol must verify efficacy by having a cholesterol blood test 45 to 60 days after initiating a nutritional regimen. If supplements fail to work, cholesterol-lowering drugs should be considered. While blood testing is not mandatory for healthy people seeking to reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke, it is recommended that everyone have an annual blood test to establish a benchmark giving you the ability to monitor and optimize your life extension program.
For more information
Contact the National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute (301) 251-1222.
Product availability
Policosanol, Sytrinol, Herbal Cardiovascular Formula - containing curcumin, ginger, bromelain and gugulipid. Flush-Free Niacin, Ultra Soy extract, & Soy Power powder, vitamin E, kyolic garlic, perilla oil, Super EPA/DHA w/Sesame Lignans, PGX fiber, chitosan, and artichoke extract, are available. Visit Web site.
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